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Scott Adkins Workout Routine, Diet Plan, Body Stats

Those who have watched Scott Edward Atkins in The Bourne Ultimatum, Zero Dark Thirty, The Expendables 2, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and Boyka: Undisputed have surely fallen in love with his buff body and MMA fighting skills. Adkins is not just tough on screen, but he is also a badass in real life. He has received training in different martial art styles including judo, karate, kickboxing, jujutsu, ninjutsu, Muay Thai, and Krav Maga. Here we share the training and diet regimen that Adkins follows to keep him in such good shape and stay fit for the characters he plays.

Scott Adkins Body Stats

Height: 178 cm (5’ 10”); Weight: 178 lb

Chest: 45”; Waist: 34”

Bicep: 16”

Scott Adkins Body

Scott Adkins Workout Routine

Adkins loves volume training and simple weight training. The 42-year-old Undisputed 3 star makes sure to hit the gym five to six days each week and train intensely. He mostly focuses on compound lifts to gain functional strength and gain muscle.

He mixes up his workouts, training three days with weights and two days with cardio mixed with martial arts. Aside from explosive movements, he performs plyometrics for his lower body. The Hard Target 2 actor works out his legs more, as he often has some back issues.

Scott Adkins Workout

Day 1: Triceps and Chest

  • Bench Press (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Chest Dips (sets: 3, reps: 15)
  • Incline Bench Press (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Overhead Tricep Extension (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Chest Flyes (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Tricep Cable Pushdown (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Push Ups (sets: 3, reps: 25)
  • Cable or Dumbbell Kick Backs (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
Scott Adkins Workout

Day 2: MMA or Cardio

MMA involves sparring and fight training, involving workouts like heavy bag thrusts and boxing, jump squats, pushups, pull ups, rope jump, and overhead slams.

Cardio (HIIT for 15-20 min)

  • Treadmill: sprint 6-10 mph (1 min on), walk 2.5-3.5 mph (1 min off)
  • Bike: more than 100 RPMs at about level 10 (1 min on), lower RPMs at about level 3-5 (1 min off)
  • Steady Paced Cardio like a bike, treadmill, Stair Master, and Elliptical (15-20 min)

Day 3: Biceps and Back

  • Deadlift (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Dumbbell Bicep Curl (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Cable Row (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Preacher Curl (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Wide-Grip Pull-Ups (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Hammer Curl (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Lateral Pulldowns (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Barbell Bent-Over Row (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
Scott Adkins Gym Workout

Day 4: MMA or Cardio

MMA involves sparring and fight training, involving workouts like heavy bag thrusts and boxing, jump squats, pushups, pull ups, rope jump, and overhead slams.

Cardio (HIIT for 15-20 min)

  • Treadmill: sprint 6-10 mph (1 min on), walk 2.5-3.5 mph (1 min off)
  • Bike: more than 100 RPMs at about level 10 (1 min on), lower RPMs at about level 3-5 (1 min off)
  • Steady Paced Cardio like a bike, treadmill, Stair Master, and Elliptical (15-20 min)

Day 5: Shoulders and Legs

  • Back Squats (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Military Press (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Leg Press (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Arnold Press (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Hamstring Curl (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Shoulder Dumbbell Front Raise (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Calf Raise (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
  • Dumbbell or Barbell Shrugs (sets: 3, reps: 8-12)
Scott Adkins Undisputed Workout

Day 6: MMA or Cardio Optional

MMA involves sparring and fight training, involving workouts like heavy bag thrusts and boxing, jump squats, pushups, pull ups, rope jump, and overhead slams.

Cardio (HIIT for 15-20 min)

  • Treadmill: sprint 6-10 mph (1 min on), walk 2.5-3.5 mph (1 min off)
  • Bike: more than 100 RPMs at about level 10 (1 min on), lower RPMs at about level 3-5 (1 min off)
  • Steady Paced Cardio like a bike, treadmill, Stair Master, and Elliptical (15-20 min)
Scott Adkins Ninja Workout

Scott Adkins Diet Plan

Adkins sometimes cuts out carbs from the rest of his meals after lunch to minimize fat and facilitate weight-loss. In a recent interview, he has revealed that he loves having zucchini pasta with Bolognese and Ragu sauce. To gain muscle, he aims for having about 0.7-1 g of protein per one pound of bodyweight.

Scott Adkins’ regular diet includes fresh, whole grain foods like fruits, green veggies, lean proteins, fish, and protein smoothie. He prefers to have a pre- and post-workout protein-enriched shake or snack.

Scott Adkins Training

Scott Adkins Workout and MMA Training Video

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